
Service provider

d.velop business services GmbH
Schildarpstraße 6-8
48712 Gescher
Tel.: +49 (0) 2542 9307-0
General Terms and Condition:


Managing directors: Christoph Pliete, Alexander Zirl

Commercial register Coesfeld: HRB 11782
VAT Id. No.: DE222474471

Responsible for the content according to § 55 Abs. 2 RStV (German Interstate Broadcasting Treaty): Alexander Zirl

Bank details WGZ Bank Münster
IBAN DE43400600000002160370

This legal notice is valid for all contents made available under

All rights reserved

d.velop cloud with its texts, images, graphics and their arrangements and animations is subject to copyright law and other laws for the protection of intellectual property; it is a protected product of d.velop business services GmbH. Use of the texts, images, graphics and their arrangements and animations or extracts thereof without the prior written consent of d.velop business services GmbH is contrary to copyright law and constitutes a criminal offence. This applies but is not limited to the reproduction, copying, translation and use in electronic systems. All trading names, word marks and/or brand and labels of the respective manufacturers/ owners which we use have been made available by the said manufacturers/ owners.